Since 1977, LAND ROVER has issued a total of 2186 car recalls worldwide. Of those recalls, only 1 have been for the LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER starting in 1977. This accounts for approximately 3.8% of the 58048 car recalls issued by the NHTSA since 1966. The RANGE ROVER accounts for less than 1.0% of all the LAND ROVER recalls issued since 1977. Compared to other car manufacturers, LAND ROVER ranks #7 in overall number of recalls issued by a car maker.
Please keep in mind these numbers are for statistical purposes only & do not necessarily reflect the quality of the LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER or LAND ROVER itself. These figures are based only on the number of recalls issued and NOT the total number of vehicles affected by a particular recall.
Find your LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER listed below. Results are sorted year from newest to oldest. Select the desired LAND ROVER RANGE ROVER to view the complete recall details.
Information provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.